A friend of mine, the gal who ran Willow River 10K with me last year, told me about a half-marathon race in a small town near us, called the "Uff-Da" run. Appropriately named to honor their Norweigen heritage. The complete course is run on an abandoned railroad bed, out & back, starting and finishing on main street. Never having done this race, I figured it would have a small turnout, and with it all being run in the woods, I debated not running with the flag and just using it as a training run. When I shared my thoughts with my wonderful husband, he simply asked, "What exactly are you debating? You should carry the flag...that's what you do." So I did. Good call. One of the most responsive races yet.
I went alone, as Dan was scheduled to take our daughter to a required 4-H event. I felt like wearing my Captain America shirt over my running shirt just to go pick up the packet, & do all that you do before a race. I love what Captain America stands for! He rocks! One guy saw me coming and exclaimed "Captain America! Yeah!" I said, "Isn't he awesome?!" I thought to myself, "just wait 'til I pull out the flag..." I have to admit, I feel there is a little Captain America in my blood ☺
At the start line, which was on main street, I could not locate my friend, Alli. I figured, I'll find her eventually. I unfurled Old Glory just as the Star Spangled Banner was being sung by an ever so sweet & soft voice. I like to start near the back, so I do not flap anyone. There were a few announcements, the whistle blew, and we were off! I had my new Newton shoes on, flag in hand, and I felt good! It was a beautiful 72 degrees, sunny with a slight breeze. A little warm for a 1/2 marathon, but I'll take that over 40 degrees and windy!
Shortly after we got onto the dirt/gravel trail, a man come up next to me, curious as ever. It made for good conversation, and help with a good strong pace. The path took us through a tunnel, so dark, I had to ask the man (who was from this small town) if there were any potholes I should worry about. He said no, that he runs on this trail often. The path was beautiful, with trees on both sides, and even an occasional pond on the side.
I felt great until mile 5...my left foot fell almost completely asleep. WHAT THE HECK?! I had not experienced this one. I figured I had tied my shoe to tight and would have to stop to loosen it. There were volunteer firefighters and police officers at each road crossing to make sure no runners would get hit by cars and to help any runners who get injured. I would have had to ask one of them to hold the flag so I could check things out, but by the time I came to the next road, it was better. So I kept running.
The fore-runners had turned at the half-way point and were headed back. They were cruising to say the least. Yet the lead woman had the energy to cheer and clap for me as she passed. Then the next few runners also cheered and gave a thumbs up...then the next, and the next, and the next...it was crazy! I even heard my name a couple of times, and didn't know these people. There was one I recognized out of the whole bunch. I felt so honored. Then I saw Alli. We came toward each other yelling, and gave a quick hug, THEN she actually turned around again to run with me! What a friend! That whole section of the race was super energizing! I had found a whole boat-load of patriots in this little race!
Eventually, Alli moved ahead and I could feel myself slow down. It was warm. Water seemed sparse. A women came up beside me as said, "I am always amazed when I see people running with the flag." She then told me that her son served in the US Navy and she was going to see him in a couple of weeks and they were set to run the San Diego marathon together. I told her good luck, and to thank her son. She replied, "I do every time I see him." Cool.
Around mile 9, Alli had turned around to shout, "Yea! Go Jean!" She was about 400 yards ahead of me. It gave me a little burst ☺ With 3 miles to go, another women came up beside me to say, "Good job!" I told her the same. She said, "Yeah, but you're carrying a flag!...Amazing!"
Mile 11, looked awfully welcoming. The firefighters & police officers were so very encouraging. They sure liked seeing the flag. One even swiped a picture of me running passed on his cell phone. I try to thank them as I pass, they are the heroes.
I was able to pick up the pace more at mile 12. I could hear faint sounds of sirens and cheers. I knew what that meant...all the water I wanted! We left the trail and returned back onto main street, with about 400 yards to go. Alli was just ahead. People cheering on both sides - man that feels nice! I crossed that glorious finish line and headed straight for the water. The volunteer said we could just dip our cups in the coolers because it's quicker. I asked if I could dip my whole head in it...ha ha.
Then things began to happen that I was not expecting. A woman came up to me and introduced herself. She was one of the ones who had shouted my name at the half-way point. Turns out, she was my husband's, commuting coworker's wife. I had heard much about her because she does very well in races, and finally got to meet her. She said she had recognized me from the article in the paper about my endeavors. Then other runners came up to me, grabbed my wrist, looked me in the eye, and thanked me, truly thanked me...then walked away. This happened a few times. Then a volunteer woman came up to me and just about hugged me. Probably didn't because I was just a little sweaty...and smelly, probably. She and I agreed how so many do not appreciate our freedom and how our freedom is slowly being whittled away. I explained to her that my hope was to find other patriots, and to promote the fact that freedom is worth fighting for. She agreed! We kept talking and kept giving one another goose bumps every time we talked about how blessed we are to be a free people. I told her that my goal was to run in the NY marathon in November, she recited a scripture to me and said she would pray for me. A christian patriot...beautiful!
...And to think I almost didn't carry the flag.
...so thankful I did ☺
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ReplyDeleteHey- love that post! You are Captain America-the female version-and you are holding an amazing thing close to your heart and soul...that flag. Thanks, Jean, for running that race and like I tried to say earlier-you have motivated me so much! I soooo wish I lived closer so that we could consistently do our long run together...hopefully, it works out this weekend!!!