Monday, October 24, 2011

Patriot Run #5 ~ Blue Devil 5K

The University of Wisconsin-Stout dwells in the town of Menomonie, WI, where I went to school for two years and where my husband proposed to me ♥  It is only fitting for us to run the UW-Stout Blue Devil 5K.  A beautiful looped course that runs alongside the Cedar River, through town, and through campus.  On a fall morning, how can we resist?!    As we came into Menomonie, fog was just lifting over Lake Menomin, the leaves were in full color and a perfect temp of 50 degrees.

My husband, son, and neighbors were ready to run the 5K.  After our usual warm-up session, I unfurled the flag with about 5 minutes before the start.  Instead of starting near the back, I decided to change things up a bit and start near the front.  I also wanted to try to keep my son, Zac & our neighbor Nate, in view.  Both boys are on the middle school cross country team that I help coach, and both are very good. (They placed 2nd ~Nate and 3rd ~Zac in the under 18 group)

Not much is said about the flag in the beginning of the race, but that's okay.  I know it gets people thinking, positive or negative - they're thinking!  Like the last race, there is a bit of wind drag.  I still love the flapping sound.  As we came down the hill to the start of the river, there was a small child in a stroller who got pretty excited to see the flag coming.  The dad standing beside him, validated his enthusiasm and gave a little cheer.  That's what I love to see - youth getting excited to see the flag, and hopefully to know that it's not just for decoration, it means something!

There was a moment I wished to capture and be able to play it over and over:  Running alongside the mist covered Cedar River in the early morning sun with leaves gently falling, and flag gently flapping.  Wow... wish I could share that memory video!  A handful of runners passed and would say things like, "Good job!" or "Thank you!" ...puts a smile on my face every time.

As I made the ascent up to the bridge which led to the campus and town, I got to wondering where do college kids stand these days, as far as, understanding what the flag represents and how precious that really is.  Maybe, its hard for them to truly appreciate our freedom, maybe not.

Coming to the last 400meters, I believe I saw something I'd never thought I'd see during a race.  A group of young men - I presume it was the UW Men's cross country team - dressed as women, running together in the opposite direction, cheering on the finishers.  They got even more crazy when they saw the flag coming..."Yeah! Go USA!!!"  Definitely smile worthy ☺

I bettered my time by about a minute from the last race, and felt great!  While doing the recovery walk, a man who also had just finished, asked a familiar question, "Did you run the whole way with the flag?"  I love answering that one ☺    I walked inside the gym, began to unfurl the flag, and a woman caught me to ask if she could get a picture of her two children holding the flag. "Absolutely!" I said.  The second time I began to put the flag away, a group of three college kids came up to me to ask the golden questions, "why & how?"  I filled them in with all the details and told them of the blog.  We talked for a few minutes, then went about our business 

I realized why I was meant to run this race.  It was to see that there are many youth of all ages proud to be an American, who respect the flag and who understand that it stands for something.  Hats off to them!  They are our future leaders.  I pray for them.

One last thing...a very patriotic friend of mine, a veteran, posted something for me to see.  It was Red Skelton's "Pledge of Allegiance.  I have the link listed under the "links to check out".  Check it out!  In it, Red defines every word in the pledge.  Here's what he had to say about the flag, "...Our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!"  

Thanks Red!

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